Thursday, January 31, 2013

Communication is KEY

In this Family Life article, Communication is something that I believe can make or break marriages and relationships.  Some spouses have endless amount of hours to talk to each other and to have conversations with their children.  Where as others may only have that 4 hour time from 6 to 10 o'clock at night,  after a ten hour day at work or school and activities.  Whichever it is, communicating is important for parent relationships and marriage relationships. I think it is important to get into a routine when communicating so long periods of time don't pass when you have not communicated with someone. Through this article, I have also learned that there are ways to talk to one another. In my own family, communication is very important.  Witnessing pointless and stupid fights between my mom and dad because "my dad said something with a certain tone" or vice versa,  has taught me that the meaning of what one says and how you say it is crucial to avoid  wasting time being angry at each other. These petty fights can also occur between children and parents.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Start

The topic I chose for sociology is Marriage and Family: In-Tact. I found this topic really interesting because in today's society the family unit and the relationships in it can be completely different from family to family.  Through society, people also have totally different views on marriage; some people could view it as something completely necessary where as others may think marriage is not a necessity in life and not needed to start a family.   I know that I have a completely different relationship with my parents than my friends have with their parents.   A couple of questions i would like to investigate in this semester are What makes a truly happy family? and is there such thing as a truly happy family? What is societies view of a perfect family? What are the main hardships in a marriage? I'm really excited to start my research on this project!