Thursday, March 7, 2013

Media View on Marriage and Family

There are many different portraits of family life shown in the media, specifically on television. This article The Perfect Family discusses how the media has created it's own view and ways to interpret family life on television. Watching Full House and seeing Uncle Jesse, Danny Tanner (Dad), and Uncle Joey, raising their daughters and nieces is one way to show an different view of how raising children and the ups and downs of that large task, especially with girls.  Television shows show the family dynamic and try to relate to normal families at home. Shows like Full House and George Lopez try to relate to normal families and try to show the decisions and hardships families face so people can relate. Normal families have parents that argue, siblings who do not always cooperate with each other and the family as a whole having a conflict. Shows make certain views and stereotypes of what roles certain family members have. For example, in the show I Love Lucy, Ricky (the husband) was a professional entertainer, and Lucy was a scattered, funny, stay at home wife. The couple first lived in the city and then moved to the suburbs where they would eventually start a family. It is important for people to realize that a family does argue and have times of disagreement  Therefore society should not let television shows and the media impact your view of family life.

 This is the show Full House and shows the two uncles and father, and the three daughters and nieces.

This is the show I Love Lucy and this is Lucy and her husband Ricky

1 comment:

  1. I never really thought about television shows to demonstrate portraits of family life. Although, thinking about it now I completely understand how television shows many different aspects of family life. Full House is a great example of a different family life atmosphere. Full House portrays that there are many different ways families live. Overall, there are numerous television shows that portray a various of family life.
