Friday, March 15, 2013

The Importance of Marriage in Today's Society

In my eyes, marriage is a gift that naturally occurs when two people fall in love and make the vows of being together for the rest of their lives in which they can build upon a community. Marriage is constantly evolving from what it was in  history to what people view marriage as now. Marriage has taken on both positive and negative connotations from society.  In  The Meanings of Marriage, the article focuses on how marriage needs to continue to be an "apt and cheerful" conversation between men and women in society today. A statement that stood out to me from this article was, "For marriage is one of the great mediators of individuality and community, revelation and reason, tradition and modernity. Marriage is at once a harbor of the self and a harbinger of the community, a symbol of divine love and a structure of reasoned consent, an enduring ancient mystery and a constantly modern invention."  I agree with this statement because I do think that marriage is something that creates a community and is something that is constantly evolving to conform to societies' beliefs and views on marriage. Marriage links the past to the future and brings people together in society. However, marriage and family life are in trouble today.  More and more children are being born into single parent environments or into families where either the mother or father is not nearly as present and involved as the other parent.  This is why it is clear that society has many different views on marriage and family life. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your position on marriage in this article. I believe that children are not in trouble today. Although some families do have trouble raising their children but not every family has those problems. There are even single parents who succeed in raising their child. Even if one parent is not as involved as the other at least the child has someone to look up to and talk to.
